May 9, 2009


<a href="">The Pearce Sisters</a>

An amusingly bleak hearted tale of two weather lashed old spinsters. Lol and Edna Pearce live on a remote and austere strip of coast. Taking shelter in a beaten driftwood shack they scrape out a miserable existence from the sea. ...

April 23, 2009


With the uncomfortable silence around the Bullies, I'm looking around for other ideas that inspire: Ninja's make great animation! And it can be funny AND short too.

April 21, 2009

Create and replicate

Over and over and over and over...


March 23, 2009

Bullie Animatic Test

Viktor did a test for shot 05:

Always exiting when something starts moving ;)

March 22, 2009


Work in progress for the 30 sec. animation "I am not a human being'

March 12, 2009


Thanks to friend Bobbypola, the Bullies from now on fly with an official logo! Probably with business-cards too ;) How professional!

February 20, 2009

Bullies StoryBoard Reworked

Finally the board is done! It was a bit of a 'behind the scenes' operation and I'm sorry for it. Thanks goes to all the test-readers: your comments were of priceless value and is highly appreciated! For the time to come posting will come much easier, because it doesn't need to go through this unavoidable 1 person 'secret' funnel any more. Now we all know what we are talking about. So let the games begin!