December 18, 2008

A fresh start

After the most intense meeting yesterday of my entire working life with Maarten 'Muscle' (his words) Janssesns, btw the smell of my roasting balls must have permeated the whole restaurant..., we're ready to move on.

Just a few words about the name, "Lunar Cactus". This is a type of cactus that flowers only in the cool of the night, I find this image quiet beautiful and surreal.

Here is the planning for things to come in the near future:
Title: "The Bullies Show",
-30 seconds Flash animation
-Deadline: 10 february 2009

-Script, Director: Cesare "CEO" Davolio
-Storyboard: Maarten "Muscle" Janssesns
-Animatic: Mustafa "Don't say no" Kandaz
-Design: Mitch
-Animation: Mustafa, Cesare
-Sound: looking into possible people that can do it for free, once we have the animatic ready.

There's a mid deadline for the animatic as soon as Maarten is finished with the storyboard he's currently working on and the designs from Mitch are in place.

I have chosen Mitch as designer since we had already been working together on some designs for the bully gag which Maarten can easily adapt for the storyboard.

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